Tuesday, August 23, 2016

We just love Pancakes!

I just learned that pancakes are believed to be one of the earliest cereal food eaten in prehistoric age. Pancakes around the world vary and they also come in different shapes, colors and even called with different names.  I have made a dozen variations of pancakes and I still want to make some more. Here are some of my creations, I adapted the recipes from different creative cooks around the net and just made few changes of some of the ingredients. The ideas were not totally my original. Hoping I could add one pancake recipe or two recipes every week since my kids just like to eat pancakes. They don’t eat it only during breakfast, sometimes they will ask for it during snacks, lunch or even dinner. If my kids smells vanilla… they would say…. It smells like Pancake!

Apple Cinnamon Pancake

Basic Crepes

Rainbow Pancake

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