Tuesday, August 30, 2016


There are many variations of this dish but I chose this recipe. It only has a few ingredients and has an easy to follow steps. To have the best result, you must choose fresh squids over frozen ones. Clean inside-out of the squid and slice it equally. I would want my calamari to be crispy in the outside and still soft and chewy in the inside. Just follow these simple steps and you will get the same result. Happy cooking!

You will need:

¼ kilo squid, sliced into rings
½ cup flour
1 piece raw egg, beaten
½  cup breadcrumbs
2 cups cooking oil
1 tsp salt
½ tsp black pepper


After cleaning and slicing the squid,
season it with salt and pepper.
Set aside while you prepare the other ingredients.
Heat the cooking pot and pour-in cooking oil.
Dredge squid in flour.
Then dip it in beaten egg.
Next, you roll it over with breadcrumbs.
Wait for the oil to be hot enough
before putting the squid to the cooking pot.
Deep-fry until coating turns brown
around 2 to 3 minutes in medium heat.
Do not overcook.
Drain the fried squid with a paper towel.
Serve with your favorite sauce.
I like to squeeze some lemon juice to my calamari.

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