Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Pichi-pichi is one my favorite Filipino dessert. The main ingredients is cassava. 
This delicacy is originated from the Quezon Province, Philippines.

You will need:

2 cups grated cassava

1 cup white sugar

2 cups water
½ tsp lye water
food coloring of your choice

1 cup grated coconut
1 cup grated cheese (optional)


Combine cassava, sugar, and water in a 
bowl and mix thoroughly.

Add lye water while continuously stirring the mixture.

Divide your mixture in a separate bowls
depending on how many colors you want to make.

Put-in the food coloring to the mixture.

Once the mixture is evenly distributed, 
pour in individual cup molds and place in a steamer

Steam the mixture for 45 minutes to 1 hour
(or until the color turns translucent)

Let the steamed pichi-pichi cool down at least for an hour
 then you may remove it from the molds.

Roll the each piece over the grated coconut.
(You may substitute grated coconut to grated cheese.)

Place in a serving plate then serve. 

Happy Cooking!

  Recipe adapted from: Panlasang Pinoy

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